10 Ways to Quit Wasting Money on Takeout

Quit Wasting Money on Takeout

Takeout and food delivery services have become convenient options in our fast-paced lives, but the costs can quickly add up. If you find yourself spending more on takeout than you’d like, it’s time to rethink your approach. This article presents 10 practical ways to break the cycle of wasting money on takeout without sacrificing the convenience and enjoyment of occasional restaurant meals. So here is how you can quit wasting money on takeout.

Plan Your Meals Ahead

Weekly Meal Planning

1. Create a Meal Schedule

Plan your meals for the week in advance. This not only helps you stay organized but also ensures that you have the necessary ingredients at home, reducing the temptation to order takeout.

2. Prepare Ingredients in Bulk

Consider preparing ingredients in bulk over the weekend. Having pre-cut vegetables, marinated proteins, or cooked grains on hand makes it easier to whip up a homemade meal quickly.

Invest in Cooking Essentials

Stock Your Kitchen

1. Quality Cookware

Invest in quality cookware and kitchen tools. Having the right equipment can make cooking at home more enjoyable and efficient, reducing the inclination to opt for takeout.

2. Versatile Appliances

Explore versatile kitchen appliances like a slow cooker, instant pot, or air fryer. These appliances can simplify the cooking process and broaden your home-cooked meal options.

Embrace Batch Cooking

Cook in Batches

1. Freeze Extra Portions

When preparing meals, consider cooking in larger quantities and freezing extra portions. This way, you’ll have homemade “frozen dinners” ready to go, reducing the urge to order takeout on busy days.

2. Variety in Batch Cooking

Experiment with batch cooking various dishes. Having a variety of frozen meals ensures you won’t get bored, and you’ll have options for different cravings.

Master Quick and Easy Recipes

Efficient Recipes

1. One-Pan Meals

Explore one-pan or one-pot recipes that minimize cleanup and save time. These efficient recipes can be flavorful and satisfying without requiring extensive preparation.

2. 15-Minute Recipes

Discover quick and easy recipes that can be prepared in 15 minutes or less. Having a repertoire of speedy meals discourages relying on takeout for convenience.

Set a Takeout Budget

Financial Boundaries

1. Establish a Monthly Budget

Set a monthly budget specifically for dining out or ordering takeout. Having a predefined limit encourages mindful spending and helps you evaluate the necessity of each takeout expense. This will help you quit wasting money on takeout.

2. Track Your Spending

Regularly track your food-related expenses. This awareness can highlight patterns, allowing you to identify areas where you can cut back and redirect funds toward your financial goals.

Limit Dining Out to Special Occasions

Occasional Treats

1. Reserved for Celebrations

Reserve dining out or ordering takeout for special occasions or celebrations. This approach makes these experiences more meaningful and prevents habitual spending on convenience.

2. Homemade Celebration

Consider celebrating special occasions with a homemade meal. Cooking together or preparing a special dish can be a memorable and cost-effective alternative.

Explore Budget-Friendly Takeout Alternatives

Economical Options

1. Lunch Specials

Take advantage of lunch specials or early bird discounts offered by local restaurants. These promotions often provide the opportunity to enjoy restaurant-quality meals at a more affordable price.

2. Explore New Cuisine at Home

Rather than ordering takeout from your regular spots, challenge yourself to recreate your favorite cuisines at home. Experimenting with new recipes can be a fun and cost-effective way to satisfy your culinary cravings.

Become a Loyalty Member

Loyalty Programs

1. Membership Benefits

Join loyalty programs offered by your favorite local restaurants. Many establishments provide discounts, free items, or exclusive deals to their loyal customers.

2. Earn and Redeem Points

Participate actively in rewards programs that allow you to earn and redeem points. This way, you can enjoy occasional takeout without overlooking potential savings or perks.

DIY Snacks and Treats

Homemade Snacks

1. Snack Preparation

Prepare your own snacks and treats at home. Whether it’s popcorn, granola bars, or sweet treats, homemade versions are often healthier and more budget-friendly than their store-bought counterparts.

2. Coffee and Beverages

Limit spending on takeaway coffee and beverages by investing in a quality coffee maker or tea infuser. Brewing your favorite drinks at home can save a significant amount over time.

Cultivate a Mindful Eating Habit

Conscious Choices

1. Mindful Eating Practices

Practice mindful eating by savoring each bite and appreciating the effort put into homemade meals. This habit fosters a deeper connection with your food and reduces the desire for instant takeout gratification.

2. Socialize Around Home-Cooked Meals

Shift social gatherings to revolve around home-cooked meals. This not only strengthens personal connections but also creates a positive environment centered around homemade culinary experiences.


In the context of Quit Wasting Money on Takeout, breaking the cycle of wasting money on takeout requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to embracing the pleasures of home-cooked meals. By planning ahead, investing in your kitchen, and exploring budget-friendly alternatives, you can enjoy delicious and cost-effective meals while saving money for more meaningful pursuits.



  1. How can weekly meal planning help in reducing takeout expenses?
    • Weekly meal planning helps by creating a schedule, ensuring necessary ingredients are at hand, and reducing the temptation to order takeout.
  2. Why is investing in cooking essentials important for minimizing takeout expenses?
    • Investing in quality cookware and versatile appliances enhances the cooking experience at home, making it more enjoyable and reducing the inclination to order takeout.
  3. How does batch cooking contribute to reducing takeout expenses?
    • Batch cooking involves preparing meals in larger quantities and freezing extra portions. This approach provides homemade “frozen dinners,” reducing the urge to order takeout on busy days.
  4. What role does setting a takeout budget play in controlling expenses?
    • Setting a monthly budget specifically for dining out or ordering takeout encourages mindful spending and helps evaluate the necessity of each takeout expense.
  5. Why is it beneficial to limit dining out to special occasions?
    • Limiting dining out to special occasions makes these experiences more meaningful and prevents habitual spending on convenience, contributing to overall cost savings.
  6. How can becoming a loyalty member at local restaurants help in reducing takeout expenses?
    • Joining loyalty programs and actively participating in rewards programs offered by local restaurants can provide discounts, free items, or exclusive deals, contributing to overall savings.
  7. Why is cultivating a mindful eating habit important for reducing takeout expenses?
    • Cultivating a mindful eating habit, such as savoring each bite and appreciating homemade meals, fosters a deeper connection with food and reduces the desire for instant takeout gratification.

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